The Power of One: Nellie Gray and the March for Life (Download)

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What can one person do to end abortion? Nellie Gray and a group of dedicated pro-lifers knew they had to do something when the Roe v. Wade decision was handed down in 1973, so on the one-year anniversary they held the first March for Life. Nellie Gray dedicated the rest of her life to saving babies and fighting abortion.

In this downloadable lesson, students in high school will uncover the history of the March for Life and learn how they can use their own talents and gifts to end abortion. Drawing on the experiences of people who knew Nellie, The Power of One: Nellie and the March for Life is a must-have for parents and teachers who want to inspire their students to build a culture of life.

Your purchase of this 17-page digital download includes:

  • An overview of Nellie Gray’s life and the founding of the March for Life
  • Lecture notes about each person’s duty to stand up against abortion using his own unique gifts and talents
  • Bonus crossword puzzle

Permission to use this lesson is granted to the immediate family or classroom of the original purchaser. Schools with more than one classroom using this lesson should purchase additional copies. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Ciancio at

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